April Monthly Lunch

2018-04-06 @ 11:30 – 13:00
El Tiempo "1308 Annex"
322 Westheimer Rd.
Rich Bulger

Friday April 6, 2018: 11:30-13:30

  • Agenda (times estimated)
    • 11:30-12:00 Networking & margaritas
    • 12:00 Seats, introductions, announcements, lunch orders
    • 12:15 Guest Speaker
    • 12:20-12:30 Lunch plate service during speaker
    • 13:15 Speaker conclusion, final announcements B&G

Speaker: Mr. Rob Eissler, Legislative Consultant at The Schlueter Group

Rob Eissler is a Legislative Consultant with The Schlueter Group of Austin, TX since January 2013. He was previously the President of Eissler and Associates, an executive recruiting firm based in his hometown of thirty-six years, The Woodlands, Texas. He received a B.A. in Architecture from Princeton University, and then served his country as a carrier-based attack pilot and LSO aboard the USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) in the United States Navy.

Rob Eissler has spent twenty-eight years dedicated to the public education system of Texas, 18 of which were on the Conroe Independent School District Board of Trustees, including two terms as President, and 10 years serving on the Public Education Committee of the Texas House of Representatives, the last 6 as its Chairman. He has also served as the Vice Chair of the House Human Services Committee.

In 1999, he was named one of 25 “Original Hometown Heroes” for The Woodlands by The Woodlands Villager/Courier newspapers and The Woodlands Operating Company, L.P. The Chamber of Commerce named him “Citizen of the Year” in 1991, where he served as the Chairman of the Board in 1988-89. Mr. Eissler has also served as the President of the Woodlands Rotary Club and as a board member of the South Montgomery Y.M.C.A. He coached youth sports for twenty years and is well known as one of the voices of High School Football on the local internet broadcast of area games.

Mr. Eissler was elected to represent District 15 as State Representative in November of 2002. He was appointed to serve as Chairman of the Public Education Committee in his third session. Among many other honors, Rob Eissler was named one of Texas Monthly ́s “Top 10 Legislators” of 2009. He received Honorable Mention for this in 2007. His work on reforming the public school accountability system during the 81st Legislative Session helped place Texas at the nation’s forefront in public education reform. In 2005, he was named one of the Top Texas Legislators of the 79th Legislative Session by Capitol Inside. Rep. Eissler has also been named Legislator of the Year by the Texas Council of Special Education Administrators, received The Texas Foreign Language Association’s Distinguished Public Service Award, The Texas Art Education Association’s Governmental Award for Meritorious Service in the Arts, The Texas Music Educators Association Distinguished Service Award and the Champion for Free Enterprise Award by the Texas Association of Business three times. He also served as a Director of The Texas Education Reform Foundation.

He was presented with the Star Award by Texans Standing Tall in recognition of his efforts during the 79th Legislature to reduce and prevent the consequences of underage alcohol use and binge drinking. He is a member of the Southern Regional Education Board comprised of 16 southern states and was appointed by the Governor to their Executive Board. He has received the STAR award from the Texas Classroom Teachers Association twice. Governor Perry appointed Representative Eissler to the Education Commission of the States in October of 2007 where he represents Texas as one of 7 Commissioners. In February, 2008, he was awarded the Legislative Advocate of the Year by the Texas PTA and the 2008 Friend of Texas Children Award from the United Ways of Texas. He was also awarded Legislative Advocate of the Year by the Texas PTA again in 2009.

Rob and his wife Linda have three adult children and are members of The Woodlands United Methodist Church.

El Tiempo “1308 Annex”: 322 Westheimer Rd

  • Lunch Menu
    • Chips & salsa, guacamole, & queso
    • Choice of Entree:
      • Chicken or beef fajitas
      • Seafood enchiladas
      • Las Vegas platter

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  • Members get 15% when they enter their promo code at check-out
  • Member’s promo code emailed out in member-only version of Newsletter

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