TxGC Chapter 80th Anniversary

On October 25, 1938…

the Houston Branch of the USNA Alumni Association held their first, formal meeting at the Hotel Stratford.  Although the branch had loosely been in existence before this date, it was considered “inactive”, and was formally established per requirements until this date.  Members in attendance at the first meeting were Geisenhoff, N. H. ’13; Whistenford, Chas. ’21; Parrott, J.H. ’23; Spangler, J.B. ’23; Randolph, A.K. ’24; Wallace, A.B. ’26; Blank, C.F. ’26; Schirmeyer, T.G. ’27; and Worth, F.R. ’37.

From the December 1938 Shipmate article [re: October meeting]… Whiteford, Randolph, and Parrott recently located in Houston and we were pleased to have them at the meeting.  There are about fifteen Naval Academy Alumni in Houston ranging from Mr. Maxey’s class, 1884, to Felix Davis, 1939.  A.F. Carter, 1905, and D.W. Moore, 1921, are associated with oil companies located in Houston, but found it impossible to attend our first meeting.

U.S.S. Arkansas visited Galveston for Navy Day and some of the Houston Alumni made a trip to Galveston to visit classmates and friends in the regular Navy.  Lt. E.W. Lamons, ’27, now on the U.S.S. Arkansas, spent the week-end with his former roommate, T.G. Schirmeyer, ’27, who is practicing law in Houston.  It has been about ten years since they had the occasion to see each other.  By the way, Lamons has only been married about four weeks.  Logan, ’26, is visiting his folds at Houston.  He is on thirty-day leave after serving a tour of duty in the Asiatics.  Michaux, ’22 is expected to spend some time with his relatives in Houston in a few weeks when he returns to the States from Asiatic duty.

We are very anxious to have Naval Academy Alumni in this vicinity get in touch with the Houston Branch.  This can be done by calling the Secretary, T.G. Schirmeyer, either at his home or at his office.  All itinerant Academy men passing through Houston are urged to check in with the Houston Branch because it is always possible to get several of the members together and make your visit a pleasant one.  For information concerning the Houston Branch, communicate with T.G. Schirmeyer, Cotton Exchange Bldg.

Other interesting chapter facts:

  • First President: J. B. Spanger, ’23
  • Chapter changed from “Houston” to “Texas Gulf Coast” in 1 quarter 1975

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